Pillars of Society, 2023
Aluminum sculptures, Candy paint, anodizing, hidden cameras
Exhibited at Billedhoggerforeningen, Oslo
Photo: Tor Simen Ulstein

Documentary video project, filmed in Paris summer 2022
Video shows how found objects are transformed into a multifunctional tool, without using tools
Video installation Exhibited at Bærum Kunsthall
Photo: Tor Simen Ulstein

Trophy Chair, 2022
Sculpture made on site using trash materials
Part of 'European capital of culture' exhibition in Novi Sad, Serbia

Stealth Tower, 2021
Four meters tall aluminum sculpture, paint
First exhibited as part of 'Skulpturtriennalen' by Billedhoggerforeningen
Later shown at 'Skulptursonen i Øvre Slottsgate', and Billedhoggerforeningens sculpture park
Photo: Tor Simen Ulstein

Conversation Pieces, 2021
Aluminum sculptures, anodizing, hidden cameras, screens
Exhibition at Kurant, Trømsø

Video with sculpture
Five canvases mounted together, epoxy, foam, wood, pigments
Exhibited at HilmART in Steinkjær, and QB in Oslo

Stealth Stack, 2020
Wood, peephole, metal straps
Part of exhibition 'Subsisting' at Hulias, Oslo
Photo: Jørn Aagaard
Private Space, 2020
metal box
Video: Karianne Ommundsen
Fit in Bug out (FIBO), 2019
Foam, epoxy, paint
Exhibited at BOA (Billedkunstnere Oslo Akershus, now called BO)
Later shown at Deichman Bjørvika, and Høstutstillingen
Photo: Adrian Bugge

How to Make it, 2018
Documentary video project
Using urban available materials
to make a drawing of a Norwegian banknote
Exhibited at Studio 17 Stavanger, Oslo Sentralstasjon, Høstutstillingen
Video acquired by Oslo Kommunes Kunstsamling
ALIEN8, 2019
Temporary outdoor sculpture, glassfiber, polyester, paint
The shape is based on plant urnes used for terror prevention in Oslo
Part of BOA IPSP (In Public Space Program)
GLAVA Survival Jacket, 2018
Made from insulation mat used in outdoor construction
Exhibited together with 'Friatletene'
Step Aside, 2018
Traffic cone, wire
Shown at group exhibition at Stavanger Kunstmuseum
So it Goes, 2017
Dokumentary video installation, using found materials from urban environments
to create working tools, a jacekt, and a sunbed
Exhibited at Kunstakademiets Avgangsutstilling 2017
Start Point Prize, National Gallery Prague 2017
Installation acquired by Haugesund Kunstforening
The Walk, 2013
Video project with sculpture
Wood, paint,trolley
Exhibited at Kunstakademets Bachelorutstilling
and Skovsnogen Artspace DK